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Martinsried/Munich, May 12, 2004

MorphoSys AG (Frankfurt Stock Exchange: MOR; Prime Standard Segment) announced today that the Company’s shareholders confirmed the appointment of Dr. Metin Colpan to the MorphoSys supervisory board at the Company’s annual shareholder meeting yesterday. Dr. Colpan was co-founder, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of QIAGEN for nearly 20 years, where he successfully led the company to its position as one of the leading global life sciences companies. Dr. Colpan replaces Dr. Jörg Reinhardt, Director of Development and member of the Executive Committee at Novartis Pharma. In addition to the confirmation of Dr. Colpan’s appointment to the supervisory board, all other management proposals of the shareholder assembly agenda were passed with large majorities at the meeting in Munich.

“We are very pleased that Dr. Colpan has joined our board”, commented Dr. Simon Moroney, Chief Executive Officer of MorphoSys AG. “Dr. Colpan’s experience in building QIAGEN into one of the world’s leading biotechnology companies will be invaluable for MorphoSys to foster our new business initiative in the reagent field, Antibodies by Design.”

Dr. Reinhardt joined the Supervisory Board of MorphoSys in July 2001 and refrained from seeking re-election due to increased other commitments. During his term with MorphoSys Dr. Reinhardt played a prominent role in the formulation of the Company’s strategy.

“I want to thank Dr. Reinhardt for his invaluable support and commitment to MorphoSys during his term on our board. His expertise in drug development and extensive knowledge of the pharmaceutical industry have proved to be substantial assets. He has made an enormous contribution to the successful development of the Company”, commented Dr. Moroney.