MorphoSys Awarded for Corporate Governance Excellence

MorphoSys AG (Frankfurt Stock Exchange: MOR; Prime Standard segment) announced today that the Company placed first among all Mid and Small Caps in this year’s Corporate Governance Survey conducted by the consultancy ergo Kommunikation. Additionally, in the overall classification, covering 210 German companies including the DAX, MDAX, SDAX and TecDax-listed companies, MorphoSys achieved fifth place, behind the four DAX-listed companies Altana, Deutsche Bank, Siemens and Deutsche Boerse, being the only non-DAX company that attained an “exemplary” grade.

The survey, carried out annually, compares the degree of implementation of the German Corporate Governance Code and various other investor relations aspects, at companies listed in the above-mentioned indices in addition to 80 small caps from both the Prime and General Standard segments.

A copy of the study can be found at “We are pleased by the recognition of our efforts relating to the adoption of policies regarding corporate governance. Corporate governance has been and remains an important topic for MorphoSys”, stated Dave Lemus, Chief Financial Officer of MorphoSys AG.