Community Guidelines

MorphoSys uses social media to communicate with our outside community. It’s how we share company news and activities, but our content is subject to legal, medical and regulatory review and must be compliant.

We want our channels to be as informative, educational and useful to you as possible, but there are a few things to keep in mind when engaging with our content. If your response or comment does not adhere to these guidelines, we may remove it and/or be unable to respond.

The comments posted to our channels do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of MorphoSys and are not guaranteed to be accurate. All posts are the responsibility of the individual posting it. The following guidelines apply to Facebook, X/Twitter and LinkedIn. 

If you are a minor, do not share your comment without the knowledge and permission of a parent or legal guardian. 

Engage Respectfully

We created these spaces to learn, share information and connect with you, our community. Comments that are disrespectful, vulgar, discriminatory, violent or inappropriate will not be tolerated. This includes disparaging comments related to race, sex, color, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and comments that invade an individual’s privacy or defame, harass or embarrass an individual.

Stay on Topic

We welcome feedback and your comments, but we ask that your response stays on topic with the post. Since this industry is regulated, we can only respond to and engage with certain topics online. If your comment does not align with the topic of the post, it may be removed.

Adverse Events, Side Effects and Other Safety Information

We strongly recommend you avoid sharing specific information concerning your personal health on any public social media sites. If you do decide to include a post detailing any side effects, MorphoSys may need to contact you directly to find out more information. Posts mentioning side effects or other safety information will be reported and removed from our channel due to legal obligations.

If you believe that you have experienced any medical side effects or reactions from a MorphoSys product, you should consult your physician, pharmacist or other healthcare professional immediately. You can also report these to us by emailing or calling 1-844-667-1992 (U.S. Only). If you are in the U.S., you can also contact the FDA directly at or call 1-800-FDA-1088. For those outside of the U.S., please contact your healthcare provider or local health authority.

Product Mentions and Medical Advice

MorphoSys’ posts are informational and educational and are not intended to be medical advice. Always seek medical information from your healthcare provider.

Responses and comments cannot mention our product names or the product names and services of other pharmaceutical brands. Posts mentioning specific treatments will be removed from our channel due to legal obligations.

Platform Rules

Beyond our own guidelines, each social platform has a unique set of rules and guidelines. Content should follow the specific guidelines of each as they are also monitored by the platforms themselves.

Last Updated April 2024