A man in a blue shirt signing a document
A man in a blue shirt signing a document

Corporate Governance

We at MorphoSys believe the essence of good Corporate Governance involves efficient cooperation between a company’s Management and Supervisory Board, respect for the shareholders’ interests, as well as openness and transparency of corporate communication.

Moreover, we feel strong corporate governance is an integral part of the MorphoSys corporate value system. We believe that our commitment to high Corporate Governance standards will ultimately increase shareholder value.

Statement on Corporate Governance

In the Statement on Corporate Governance under Section 289f HGB and the Group Statement on Corporate Governance pursuant to Section 315d, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board present information on the most essential components of our corporate governance. The components include the annual Declaration of Conformity pursuant to Section 161 of the Stock Corporation Act (AktG), the relevant information on corporate governance practices and other aspects of corporate governance that include, above all, a description of the working practices of the Management Board and Supervisory Board.

Statement on Corporate Governance, Group Statement on Corporate Governance, and Report on Corporate Governance

Declaration of Conformity of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of MorphoSys AG with regard to the German Corporate Governance Code (“Code”)

The Management Board and the Supervisory Board of MorphoSys AG declare pursuant to Section 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act:

1. From November 29, 2022, the date of its most recent Declaration of Conformity, MorphoSys AG has complied – with the exceptions described below – with the recommendations of the “Government Commission on the German Corporate Governance Code” in the Code version dated April 28, 2022 (“GCGC 2022”):

  • Until June 2023, MorphoSys AG did not comply with the recommendation C.5 of the GCGC 2022, according to which members of the Management Board of a listed company shall not accept the chairmanship of a Supervisory Board in a non-group listed company. Until June 2023, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Morphosys AG, Dr. Jean-Paul Kress, held a position as chairman of the Board of Directors of a French biopharmaceutical company, which had at no time in the past affected the fulfilment of his duties as CEO of MorphoSys AG. MorphoSys AG continuously ensured that Dr. Kress’ position as chairman of the Board of Directors of such company did not distract his focus on MorphoSys AG’s business and that Dr. Kress had sufficient time to perform his duties as CEO of MorphoSys AG with due regularity and care. 
  • MorphoSys AG does not comply with the recommendation C.4 of the GCGC 2022, according to which a Supervisory Board member, who is not a member of any Management Board of a listed company, shall not accept more than five Supervisory Board mandates at non-group listed companies or comparable functions (in a listed or non-listed company), with an appointment as chair of the Supervisory Board being counted twice. The member of the Supervisory Board Dr. George Golumbeski currently holds the following functions in pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies in Ireland and the United States of America:
    • In listed companies: One function as chairman and one function as member of the Board of Directors
    • In non-listed companies: Three functions as chairman and one function as member of the Board of Directors
      Dr. Golumbeski’s positions have at no time in the past affected the fulfilment of his duties as a member of the Supervisory Board of MorphoSys AG. MorphoSys AG continuously ensures that Dr. Golumbeski’s positions will not distract his focus on MorphoSys AG’s business and that Mr. Golumbeski has sufficient time to perform his duties as a member of the Supervisory Board of MorphoSys AG with due regularity and care.

2. MorphoSys AG will continue to comply – with the exception of the deviation from recommendation C.4 of the GCGC 2022 as described above – with the recommendations of the GCGC 2022.

Planegg, this November 29, 2023

MorphoSys AG


Dr. Jean-Paul Kress

Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Marc Cluzel

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

The Statements on Corporate Governance and Corporate Governance Reports of previous years can be found in the respective annual reports.

Archive of Remuneration Reports

Archive of expired remuneration systems

Supervisory Board of MorphoSys AG - Competency Profile, Diversity Concept and Composition Targets

The Company’s Supervisory Board updated its competence profile (including the objectives for its composition) in November 2022. According to this profile, the Supervisory Board of MorphoSys AG shall be composed in such a way that the Supervisory Board in its entirety possesses the knowledge, skills, and professional experience necessary to perform its duties properly and ensure that it appropriately supervises and advises the Management Board of MorphoSys AG while taking diversity into account. When electing Supervisory Board members, the candidates who are proposed to the Annual General Meeting fulfill the overall competence profile based on their professional competence, experience, integrity, commitment, independence, and character. Proposals to the Annual General Meeting also take the objectives for the composition of the Supervisory Board into consideration.

Competency Profile

The members of the Supervisory Board shall in its entirety possess the professional expertise and experience to successfully carry out the responsibilities of the Supervisory Board of MorphoSys AG as an internationally operating biopharmaceutical company.

The Supervisory Board considers the following skills and expertise to be particularly essential for the composition of the Supervisory Board of MorphoSys AG:

  • Members should have a general knowledge of the industry in which the Company operates in order to make sufficient and substantive contributions at Supervisory Board meetings;
  • At least one member must have experience in drug development;
  • At least one member must have experience in commercialization;
  • At least one member must have expertise in the sustainability issues significant to the Company;
  • At least one member must have expertise in the field of accounting, and at least one further member must have expertise in the field of auditing (Section 100 (5) AktG);
  • At least one member must have experience in personnel issues concerning Management Board matters.

Diversity Concept

The Supervisory Board strives to ensure an appropriate level of diversity with respect to age, gender, internationality, and professional background, as well as regarding professional expertise, experience, and personality, in order to achieve a diverse composition of the Supervisory Board and enable it, in its entirety, to base its decisions on different cultural and professional perspectives and wide experiences. 

The Supervisory Board gives particular consideration to the following criteria:

  • At least two members of the Supervisory Board shall have extensive international experience or an international background;
  • At least one member of the Supervisory Board shall be under the age of 60 at the time of the member’s appointment;
  • At least two members of the Supervisory Board shall have different professional backgrounds and experience;

With respect to the proportion of women on the Supervisory Board, the Supervisory Board has set target figures as well as deadlines for their achievement in accordance with Section 111 (5) AktG, to which reference is made.

Further Objectives for the Composition of the Supervisory Board

Age Limit

The members of the Supervisory Board of MorphoSys AG shall, as a rule, not be older than 70 years at the time they are appointed by the Annual General Meeting. The Supervisory Board may, however, make an exception to this provision in specific cases.

Duration of Appointment

The uninterrupted length of the term of office of a Supervisory Board member shall generally not exceed 12 years. However, the Supervisory Board may resolve an exception to this rule in certain cases.


The Supervisory Board of MorphoSys AG considers a number of at least four independent members to be an appropriate number of independent members, taking into account the shareholder structure. According to the Code, a Supervisory Board member is considered to be independent of MorphoSys AG, its Management Board, and any controlling shareholder if he or she has no personal or business relationship with the Company, the Management Board, or a controlling shareholder. The Supervisory Board’s assessment of the independence of Supervisory Board members is, among other things, based on the recommendations of the Code. Consequently, a Supervisory Board member is generally not considered independent if that member, or a close member of his or her family: 

  • was a member of the Management Board of MorphoSys AG in the two years preceding his or her appointment to the Supervisory Board of MorphoSys AG;
  • maintains or has maintained a material business relationship (directly or indirectly) with MorphoSys AG or a Group company of MorphoSys AG in the year preceding his or her appointment;
  • is a close family member of a Management Board member;
  • or has been a member of the Supervisory Board for more than 12 years. 

Significant and lasting conflicts of interest should be avoided, particularly those resulting from functions carried out for major competitors. It must be taken into account, however, that certain conflicts of interest cannot generally be excluded. Possible conflicts of interest must be disclosed to the Chair of the Supervisory Board and will be resolved by appropriate measures. This could lead to the termination of the Supervisory Board mandate of the member concerned if the conflict of interest is not merely temporary.


All members of the Supervisory Board must ensure that they have sufficient time available to properly perform their Supervisory Board duties at MorphoSys AG. Therefore, as a rule, it is required that:

  • the Supervisory Board member is able to attend at least four ordinary Supervisory Board meetings per year, for which a reasonable amount of preparation time is required in each case;
  • the Supervisory Board member is able to attend extraordinary meetings of the Supervisory Board, if necessary, to deal with specific topics;
  • the Supervisory Board member is able to attend the Annual General Meeting;
  • the Supervisory Board member has sufficient time to review the annual and consolidated financial statements;
  • and the Supervisory Board member allocates additional time to prepare for and attend Committee meetings, in accordance with his or her membership in one or more of the Supervisory Board’s current three permanent Committees.

The Supervisory Board takes the above principles into account when proposing a candidate to the general meeting for election. 

Composition of the different Supervisory Board Committees

Image removed.

(as of June 2024)

Target Values for the Proportion of Women

In the Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board of MorphoSys AG has set the target value for the proportion of women on the Supervisory Board at 33.33%, i.e., at least two out of six members shall be women. This target value shall apply until June 30, 2025. In the financial year 2023, the target value for the proportion of women was met. 

In the Management Board

n July 2020, the Supervisory Board of MorphoSys AG set the target value for the proportion of women on the Company’s Management Board at 0% and updated and confirmed this resolution again in November 2022. This target value was originally intended to apply until June 30, 2025. The reasoning behind this decision was based on the following: 
The number of members on the Company’s Management Board had just been reduced from three to two members at that time. The appointments of Jean-Paul Kress, M.D., and Sung Lee originally ran until August 2025 and January 2024, respectively, each with the possibility of reappointment. At this point in time, there were no plans to change the composition of the Management Board and/or to increase the number of Management Board members again. In addition, all significant decisions that are not exclusively to be adopted by the Management Board were and are made jointly with the Executive Committee, which at that time consisted of two men and four women (excluding the members of the Management Board). Consequently, it was ensured that all material decisions involved a sufficient number of women representing the Company’s various business areas.
The member of the Management Board Sung Lee has resigned from his position as member of the Management Board with effect as of the end of March 17, 2023. Instead, Charlotte Lohmann has been appointed as member of the Management Board with effect as of March 1, 2023 until the end of August 31, 2023. Against this background, the Supervisory Board has updated the proportion of women on the Management Board and set it at 50%. This target value shall apply until June 30, 2025. With effect as of August 8, 2023 Lucinda Crabtree, Ph.D., has further been appointed as member of the Management Board. The defined target value for the proportion of women on the Management Board is therefore met. 


In the First and Second Management Level below the Management Board

1. Target for the first management level below the Management Board

In 2020, the Management Board confirmed its resolution from July 2017 regarding a target value of 30% women in the first management level below the Management Board and intends to maintain a minimum proportion of 30% women in the first management level below the Management Board until June 30, 2025. MorphoSys AG continued to comply with this requirement in the reporting year.

2. Target for the second management level below the Management Board

In 2020, the Management Board confirmed its resolution from July 2017 regarding a target value of 30% women in the second management level below the Management Board as of July 2017 and intends to maintain a minimum proportion of 30% women in the second management level below the Management Board until June 30, 2025. MorphoSys AG continued to comply with this requirement in the reporting year.

(as of March 2024)

Diversity Concept for the Management Board of MorphoSys AG

Pursuant to Section 289f (2) No. 6 of the German Commercial Code, the Supervisory Board has determined the following diversity concept for the composition of the Management Board of MorphoSys AG.

The aim of the diversity concept for the Management Board is to use the aspect of diversity in a targeted manner for the further success of the Company. The Supervisory Board believes that diversity in the sense of different perspectives, competencies and backgrounds of experience is an important prerequisite for competitiveness and sustainable corporate success.

Together with the Management Board, the Supervisory Board ensures long-term succession planning for the Management Board. In the search for candidates for the position of a member of the Management Board of MorphoSys AG, the decisive selection criteria include professional qualifications for the position to be taken over, leadership qualities, past performance, and acquired skills and knowledge of the business of MorphoSys AG.

In the composition of the Management Board, the Supervisory Board also particularly takes the following aspects into account: 

  • The members of the Management Board shall, in their entirety, have the necessary knowledge, skills, and professional experience required to fulfill their tasks;
  • Where possible, the members of the Management Board should have different levels of educational and professional experience;
  • The members of the Management Board shall, in their entirety, be familiar with the market environment, the individual business fields, and the market segment in which MorphoSys AG operates;
  • The members of the Management Board shall, in their entirety, have relevant experience in leading a publicly listed company;
  • There should be a sufficient age mix among the members of the Management Board;
  • With regard to the proportion of women on the Management Board, the Supervisory Board has set target values, as well as deadlines for their achievement, in accordance with Section 111 (5) AktG, to which reference is made.

The above criteria were taken into account in the course of the appointment of the Management Board members.

Other Targets in the Composition of the Management Board

Age Limit

At the time of their appointment, Management Board members should not be more than 67 years of age. The Supervisory Board may, however, decide to make an exception in specific cases. The age limit of 67 is currently complied with.

(as of March 2024)

Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board, Rules of Procedure of the Management Board and Schedule of Responsibilities of the Members of the Management Board for Download

Managers' Transactions (formerly known as "Directors' Dealings")

Pursuant to Art. 19 para. 5 subparagraph 1, sentence 1 of the European Market Abuse Regulation (“MAR”) the Members of the Management and Supervisory Boards of MorphoSys AG, as well as persons closely associated with them , are legally bound to report trading in MorphoSys stock to the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin). Every transaction conducted on their own account relating to the shares or debt instruments of MorphoSys or to derivatives or other financial instruments linked thereto must be reported.

All transactions have to be published unless the total value of these tradings executed by such person within one calendar year does not exceed EUR 20,000.

Participants in the MorphoSys stock option and/or convertible bonds programs who choose to “exercise and sell” receive the difference between the so-called exercise price (price determined at the time of issuing the options) and the Xetra closing price of the MorphoSys stock on the day of exercise, as a taxable income.

Manager Transactions